Pulborough Brooks

On a cloudy day in February we went on this circular walk around heath-land to the edge of the RSPB Pulborough Brooks reserve following a nice lunch at the RSPB visitor centre.

We walked downhill through woodland with Silver Birch trees and saw interesting fungi growing on the tree trunks in and around this mystical looking pool pictured below. The combination of the cloudy sky reflected in the water along with the interesting shapes and reflections made by the tree trunks made for a striking picture.

Pulborough 1


There weren’t many wild flowers but we did see some Gorse and Broom.

Pulborough 2

We left the trees and continued on through more open scrub-land passing more pools and boggy areas. On the way back up the hill we saw large black fungi on the trees.

We are looking forward to visiting this area again in the summer.




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